201 West Platt St. Maquoketa, IA 52060
Jackson County Assessor Office

Dates to Remember

January 1: Effective date of current assessment.

April 2 through April 30 inclusive: Protest of assessment period for filing with the local Board of Review.

May 1 through adjournment: Board of Review meets each year.

October 10 through November 15, inclusive: Protest period for filing with Board of Review on those properties affected by changes in value as a result of the Director of Revenue and Finance Equalization Orders (odd numbered years).

January 1 through December 31: Period for filing for Homestead Credit and Military Exemption. One time filing is provided, by statute, unless the property owner is (1) filing for a Military or Homestead Credit the first time; (2) has purchased a new or used home and is occupying the property as a homestead as of July 1st: or (3) owner was using as a homestead but did not previously file.

If the home qualifies and the property owner files on or before July 1, the exemption will go into effect for the current assessment year. If the property owner files after July 1, the exemption will go into effect the year following the sign up.